Jamie McCaffrey: Chipmunk of the day
Jamie McCaffrey: Show off
Jamie McCaffrey: I'll be back!
Jamie McCaffrey: Peanuts? What Peanuts? I didn't see no stinking peanuts.
Jamie McCaffrey: Is it safe out there?
Jamie McCaffrey: Did you hear that?
Jamie McCaffrey: Uh oh! Maybe he doesn't see me.
Jamie McCaffrey: Scoping out the yard
Jamie McCaffrey: You looking at me?
Jamie McCaffrey: Evening feed
Jamie McCaffrey: Come over here and say that!
Jamie McCaffrey: Thanks for the grub
Jamie McCaffrey: Move over. Coming through.
Jamie McCaffrey: On second thought .....
Jamie McCaffrey: Did you see that? - SQUIRREL !!!
Jamie McCaffrey: Peek-A-Boo
Jamie McCaffrey: Sunday afternoon in the backyard.
Jamie McCaffrey: What? I'm just lookin'!
Jamie McCaffrey: Sorry mister - I didn't know I was trespassing.
Jamie McCaffrey: Did someone say dinner party?
Jamie McCaffrey: Harmony in nature
Jamie McCaffrey: Holy smokes! The early bird really does get the worm.
Jamie McCaffrey: Chipping Sparrow
Jamie McCaffrey: Peter Cottontail
Jamie McCaffrey: GAME ON!
Jamie McCaffrey: Look Ma! No Hands!
Jamie McCaffrey: Decisions Decisions
Jamie McCaffrey: Back Off !!!
Jamie McCaffrey: A Blue Jay fly past