austindodgephotography: Thayer and Bancroft Buildings -NH State Hospital
austindodgephotography: Bancroft Building Chimney Design
austindodgephotography: Bancroft Building Chimney
austindodgephotography: State Hospital Gazebo
austindodgephotography: Main Administration Building NH State Hospital
austindodgephotography: Thayer Building (1907)
austindodgephotography: NH State Hospital North Pavilion Rotunda
austindodgephotography: NH State Hospital Nurses Annex
austindodgephotography: NH State Hospital Physician's Home
austindodgephotography: The Dolloff Building (1941)
austindodgephotography: NH State Hospital Peaslee Annex
austindodgephotography: NH State Hospital Kent Annex
austindodgephotography: Bancroft Building
austindodgephotography: Thayer Building
austindodgephotography: Thayer Building Rotunda
austindodgephotography: Fred H. Brown Building
austindodgephotography: Kent Annex and Manufacturing Plant
austindodgephotography: Kent Annex at the NH State Hospital
austindodgephotography: Main Administration Building at the NH State Hospital
austindodgephotography: NH State Hospital Kent Annex
austindodgephotography: Thayer Building Rear Rotunda
austindodgephotography: Dollof Building (1941)
austindodgephotography: Brown Building Entrance
austindodgephotography: Fred H. Brown Building (1924)
austindodgephotography: Fred H. Brown Building (1924)
austindodgephotography: Maintenance Door
austindodgephotography: 1880 Spring House Entrance
austindodgephotography: 1880 Spring House
austindodgephotography: Walker Building (1917)