RocknRodV: Female mourners attend the funerary ceremony of Userhat
RocknRodV: Plan of the The Tomb of Userhat in Luxor, Egypt
RocknRodV: Entrance to the tomb of Userhat
RocknRodV: The offering ritual to Osiris from Userhat
RocknRodV: Scene of hair-cutting of Egyptian soldiers at the Tomb of Userhat in Luxor, Egypt
RocknRodV: The west section of Tomb of Userhat’s transverse chamber
RocknRodV: The deceased Userhat approaching the pharaoh
RocknRodV: King Amenhotep II inside a kiosk, seated on a throne, holding an ankh and a battle axe
RocknRodV: The central stela’s top portion include 2 representations, nearly mirror images, showing tomb owner Userhat making offerings to Osiris
RocknRodV: Userhat and his wife are seated, looking towards the east, during the annual Beautiful Festival of the Valley
RocknRodV: A Hathoric mirror and a monkey nibbling fruit under the chair of Userhat’s wife, Mutneferet
RocknRodV: The east section of Tomb of Userhat’s transverse chamber
RocknRodV: Funerary scenes around a pseudo false door, located on the east wall of the Tomb of Userhat’s transverse chamber
RocknRodV: The doorway between the Transverse Hall and Inner Room of the Tomb of Userhat
RocknRodV: The ceiling of the tomb of Userhat’s inner room in Luxor, Egypt
RocknRodV: Userhat stands in a chariot, hunting in the desert
RocknRodV: Userhat hunting birds in the marshes
RocknRodV: The niche at the Tomb of Userhat’s inner chamber’s south wall, where the owner’s statue has been completely destroyed and all that’s left is his wife’s statue holding a bouquet
RocknRodV: The funerary ceremony of Userhat, led by a sem-priest and his assistant, followed by female mourners
RocknRodV: Female mourners attend the funerary ceremony of Userhat