Mattboid: Play(back)ground
Mattboid: Depth of field / Profondeur de champ
Mattboid: Bird on the wire
Mattboid: Damn, it's closed ! Maybe next time... / Zut, c'est fermé! Peut-être une prochaine fois...
Mattboid: Cottony sea / Mer cotoneuse
Mattboid: Visual pollution / Pollution visuelle
Mattboid: Barrier (gesture) / (geste) barrière
Mattboid: Loneliness / Solitude
Mattboid: Inspirer / Breathe in
Mattboid: Closed
Mattboid: Attendre la marée haute (depuis un moment...) / Waiting (so long) for high tide
Mattboid: Prenez un siège! / Take a seat !
Mattboid: Blablacab' (et bientôt Blablapluie) / Beach cabin ( and Rain cabin...soon)
Mattboid: Eclairage sans public / Quiet lighting
Mattboid: Social distancing / Distanciation sociale
Mattboid: Comme une première fois! / if it was the first time !
Mattboid: Soon...
Mattboid: ...2152654...2152655...2152666... Time flies by so fast / Le temps passe vite
Mattboid: Cat's home
Mattboid: Inspiration
Mattboid: Quiet Cartagena / Cartha-sans-gène
Mattboid: Focusing
Mattboid: "1...2...3...4...5......"
Mattboid: Staying up / Rester debout
Mattboid: Marée basse, à ras bord !/ Low tide, filed to the brim !
Mattboid: Tree curtain / Rideau !
Mattboid: Golgoth 35
Mattboid: Mist-erious / Brumidité
Mattboid: It was christmas
Mattboid: Resistant