Geoffrey Walker: Common Pencil-blue (Candalides adsimilis)
Geoffrey Walker: Ulysses Swallowtail (Papillo ulysses)
Geoffrey Walker: Shining Oak-blue (Arhopala micale)
Geoffrey Walker: Caterpillar of the Peacock Jewel Moth (Dysphania numana)
Geoffrey Walker: Large Purple-lined Blue (Nacaduba berenice)
Geoffrey Walker: Blue triangle (Graphium sarpedon)
Geoffrey Walker: Orange Bushbrown (Mycalesis terminus)
Geoffrey Walker: Orange Bushbrown (Mycalesis terminus)
Geoffrey Walker: Dingy Swallowtail (Papillo anactus)
Geoffrey Walker: Tailed Emperor (Polyura sempronius)
Geoffrey Walker: Plumbago Blue (Leptotes plinius)
Geoffrey Walker: Scarlet Jezebel (Delias argenthona)
Geoffrey Walker: Caper Gull