PointyPeakLover: The view from the garden of my bungalow. Not too shabby!
PointyPeakLover: Maple Glazed Salmon at Macdui's in Aviemore. Yum!
PointyPeakLover: Macdui's
PointyPeakLover: A toast to the mountains and a view to die for!
PointyPeakLover: I hear bagpipes playing in the background. I am in the Highlands! I have wine. I have mountains to gaze upon. I am in heaven!
PointyPeakLover: A Toast To Ben Macdui and Cairn Gorm
PointyPeakLover: My Sentiments Exactly!
PointyPeakLover: Aviemore Captured In A Glass!