Graham R Watson: Black headed Gull
Graham R Watson: Little Egret
Graham R Watson: Canada Goose
Graham R Watson: Reunited Grey Herons
Graham R Watson: Mute swans. Conan and Valeria
Graham R Watson: Little Egret.
Graham R Watson: Northern Shoveler drake.
Graham R Watson: Mute Swan. Conan
Graham R Watson: Canadian Geese. On the glide path.
Graham R Watson: Female Mallard.
Graham R Watson: Cormorant
Graham R Watson: Grey Heron
Graham R Watson: Cormorant.
Graham R Watson: Mute Swan "Spot light on Conan"
Graham R Watson: Long Tailed Tit
Graham R Watson: Cetti's warbler
Graham R Watson: Chiffchaff
Graham R Watson: Female Sparrow Hawk. I named her Chloe
Graham R Watson: Into the light.
Graham R Watson: Great Crested Grebe.
Graham R Watson: Mute swan.
Graham R Watson: Little Egret.
Graham R Watson: Im feeling a little ruffled! Male Egyptian Goose
Graham R Watson: Black Headed Gull
Graham R Watson: Cormorant
Graham R Watson: Conan. Mute Swan
Graham R Watson: Female Sparrow Hawk
Graham R Watson: Cormorant