Keith Horton Photography:
Large fig tree with pepper vines
Keith Horton Photography:
Sydney Peppermint tree responding after fire by putting out epicormic shoots
Keith Horton Photography:
Moreton Bay fig tree canopy
Keith Horton Photography:
Large fig tree disappearing into rainforest canopy
Keith Horton Photography:
Sydney blue gums
Keith Horton Photography:
Moreton bay fig tree 'strangling' rocks
Keith Horton Photography:
Large small-leaved fig tree with cabbage palms
Keith Horton Photography:
Young turpentine trees
Keith Horton Photography:
Giant stinging tree, Bellawongarah (Australia)
Keith Horton Photography:
Moreton bay fig tree 'strangling' small-leafed fig tree
Keith Horton Photography:
Fig tree buttresses in harsh sunlight
Keith Horton Photography:
Churnwood tree with elkhorns
Keith Horton Photography:
Red bloodwood tree after fire
Keith Horton Photography:
Burnt Sydney peppermint wood at sunset
Keith Horton Photography:
Port Jackson fig tree canopy
Keith Horton Photography:
Rainforest with neat trees
Keith Horton Photography:
Scribbly gum tree after fire 2
Keith Horton Photography:
Eucalpts recovering from fire
Keith Horton Photography:
Sydney red gum growing over rock
Keith Horton Photography:
Scribbly gum woodland recovering from fire
Keith Horton Photography:
Sydney peppermint tree growing on a cliff
Keith Horton Photography:
Large small-leaved fig tree
Keith Horton Photography:
Rainforest scene with Red Cedar and Cabbage Palms
Keith Horton Photography:
Warm temperate rainforest in harsh sunlight with coachwoods and cabbage palms
Keith Horton Photography:
Small-leaved fig tree with buttress roots and ferns
Keith Horton Photography:
Scribbly-gums at dusk
Keith Horton Photography:
Gum tree
Keith Horton Photography:
Old Scribbly gum tree
Keith Horton Photography:
Red cedar with new leaves
Keith Horton Photography:
Sydney red gum recovering after fire