howarew: From a bedroom window
zgrkrmblr: Ectophasia
birk.noack: Schnee
bencecsoma: Ikonikus gépek ikonikus helyszínen
PatrickHansy: Herbstliche Straße
PatrickHansy: Winterlicher Blick ins Marchfeld
CoMcFl: Lucky
BautistaNY: The Time Traveler
raphaelmeier: Donau-City
picsessionphotoarts: Hamburg Stairs (Explored IV.VI.)
picsessionphotoarts: In the Afternoon (Explored XIX.X.)
raphaelmeier: M42 Orion Nebula with Canon 700D
raphaelmeier: Moon with plane
raphaelmeier: Milky Way in Austria
Jane foti: Hardegg castle, Austria