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Owls by JR Kelsey
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JR Kelsey
Saw Whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Saw Whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Aegolius acadicus ....Saw Whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Saw-whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Saw Whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Saw Whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Saw-whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Saw-Whet Owl....
JR Kelsey
Saw-whet Owl threat display...
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl....
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl... pestered by a Red Squirrel
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl....
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl....
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl....
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl...
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl....
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl....
JR Kelsey
Boreal Owl....
JR Kelsey
Northern Hawk Owl...
JR Kelsey
Northern Hawk Owl & male Hairy Woodpecker....
JR Kelsey
N Hawk Owl...& Hairy WP
JR Kelsey
Northern Hawk Owl....
JR Kelsey
Surnia ulula....Northern Hawk Owl
JR Kelsey
N. Hawk Owl reacting to distant Great H. Owl hoots....
JR Kelsey
Northern Hawk Owl... & vole
JR Kelsey
Northern Hawk Owl....
JR Kelsey
Barn Owl....
JR Kelsey
Barn Owl....
JR Kelsey
JR Kelsey
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