Coney Island Av: IMG_0697
Coney Island Av: IMG_0699
Coney Island Av: IMG_0707
Coney Island Av: IMG_0728
Coney Island Av: R11 8013 at 96 St-2 Av
Coney Island Av: R16 6387 and R10 3184 at 96 St-2 Av
Coney Island Av: R42 4572-4573 at 96 St
Coney Island Av: R38 4028-4029 at 96 St
Coney Island Av: Work Train on Brighton
Coney Island Av: R11 8013 at Coney Island
Coney Island Av: R38 4029 Number Plate
Coney Island Av: R16 6387 at Coney Island-Stillwell Av
Coney Island Av: R16 6387 and R10 3184 resting at Coney Island
Coney Island Av: R10 3184 interior
Coney Island Av: R16 6387 Rollsign
Coney Island Av: R179 Set 3010-3019 on the Brighton Line
Coney Island Av: R16 6387 at 96 St-2 Av
Coney Island Av: IRT R17 6609 at 34 St-Hudson Yards
Coney Island Av: IMG_0031
Coney Island Av: IMG_0032
Coney Island Av: IMG_0033
Coney Island Av: IMG_0035
Coney Island Av: R33WF 9307 at 34 St-Hudson Yards
Coney Island Av: IMG_0037
Coney Island Av: R33WF 9307 leaving Mets-Willets Point
Coney Island Av: R33WF 9307 & 9310, R36WF 9586-9587
Coney Island Av: R42 (M) Shuttle at Metropolitan Av
Coney Island Av: Yankees Low-V "Special" at Grand Central
Coney Island Av: Crowded inside a Low-V
Coney Island Av: Low-Vs at Yankee Stadium in the Evening