Annies Pics: 2-spot ladybird crop 1
Annies Pics: 2-spot ladybird crop 2
Annies Pics: 7-spot ladybird basking in the sun
Annies Pics: Getting some speed up
Annies Pics: Doing a bit of overtaking
Annies Pics: Take off!
Annies Pics: Spot the ladybirds(!)
Annies Pics: Bumblebee on Dahlia
Annies Pics: Cinnebar Moth Caterpillar on Ragwort
Annies Pics: Teeny spider on Pine-like bush
Annies Pics: Red Damselfly perched on Water Iris
Annies Pics: 10-spot ladybird, melanic form
Annies Pics: 10-spot ladybird
Annies Pics: Red-tailed bumblebee
Annies Pics: Buff-tailed bumblebee in back lawn
Annies Pics: Buff-tailed bumblebee warming up this morning
Annies Pics: Another pic of ladybird in front lawn
Annies Pics: Ladybird in the daisies warming up this morning
Annies Pics: Ladybird warming up on the earth
Annies Pics: Red-tailed bumblebee late afternoon
Annies Pics: Lily beetle eyeing up our lilies for dinner!
Annies Pics: 7-spot ladybird
Annies Pics: 7-spot ladybird on Forget-me-not Flower
Annies Pics: Dotted bee-fly 2-4-09
Annies Pics: Rare Dotted bee-fly
Annies Pics: Rare Dotted bee-fly different angle
Annies Pics: Rare Dotted bee-fly again
Annies Pics: Common bee-fly
Annies Pics: 7-spot ladybird going for a stroll!
Annies Pics: Rove Beetle