Diggerthedog99: Redhead Duck communications
Diggerthedog99: Not all Rednecks have tailgate parties and drink beer
Diggerthedog99: Spring Fling
Diggerthedog99: Getting your ducks in a row (Ring Necked male, male and female Scaup)
Diggerthedog99: Horned Grebe in evening sunset
Diggerthedog99: The back of the male Canvasback in full wing stretch
Diggerthedog99: Male Hooded Merganser in the evening sun
Diggerthedog99: One of my favourite migrating visitors. Welcome back Horned Grebe!
Diggerthedog99: Male Redhead Duck (make up 2% of the duck population)
Diggerthedog99: The courtship display of a male Common Goldeneye throwing his head far back with bill pointed skyward while uttering a shrill call; wonder if he will get the girl?
Diggerthedog99: Let your dreams defy the laws of gravity
Diggerthedog99: Feeling a little Ruddy today
Diggerthedog99: Harlequin duck named after the colourfully dressed character in Commedia dell’arte.
Diggerthedog99: Canada’s smallest diving duck - the Bufflehead!
Diggerthedog99: The largest diving duck of North America - the Canvasback!
Diggerthedog99: Live Colourfully
Diggerthedog99: A common sight this time of the year yet always makes me pause for a photo
Diggerthedog99: How much wood could a would a wood…oh never mind
Diggerthedog99: A very colourful Cootling
Diggerthedog99: Stay safe little one
Diggerthedog99: The bird beneath the wings
Diggerthedog99: Precious cargo - handle with care
Diggerthedog99: Baby American Coots
Diggerthedog99: Someone should always have your back (you just need to look close)
Diggerthedog99: The White Pelican arrives to fish the river
Diggerthedog99: Pied-Billed Grebe
Diggerthedog99: Gosling!
Diggerthedog99: Mr Ruddy with his blue bill and stiff tail feathers
Diggerthedog99: It’s rare to complain of your lens being too long! These Tundra swans flew overhead of a pond while I was watching the other group swim.
Diggerthedog99: Dance ritual of Horned Grebes