alanpardoe41: Buccaneer S.2B XW544/XX894, Canberra PR.9 XH134
alanpardoe41: 787-9 VP-BDA.
alanpardoe41: BPAG Phantom FG.1 XT597
alanpardoe41: BPAG Phantom F-4J(UK) ZE360. newly hangared at Kemble after road move from Manston
alanpardoe41: VX-4 G-EVTA. almost ready for first tethered flight
alanpardoe41: 747-412F TF-AMI with 737-8FE N340US
alanpardoe41: 737_400F EI-STI
alanpardoe41: ACJ318 VP-CKS
alanpardoe41: N365LG G650 visiting
alanpardoe41: 767-232BDSF OY-SRL, 747-4H6 9H-AZC in background
alanpardoe41: A trio of 727s M-FTOH, M-STAR, 2-MMTT. A320ceo LY-SPC behind