MCSindagi: Plum Judy butterfly
MCSindagi: Terraced paddy fields on a misty morning.
MCSindagi: Mist rolling in.
MCSindagi: Wild berries and flowers.
MCSindagi: Millipedes mating.
MCSindagi: A glistening, backlit spider web.
MCSindagi: Giant African snail.
MCSindagi: Passion flower.
MCSindagi: Indian Green Jewel bug.
MCSindagi: Terrestrial snail.
MCSindagi: A Thread waisted wasp.
MCSindagi: Common Sailor butterfly flicking it's tongue (proboscis).
MCSindagi: Praying Mantis
MCSindagi: Wild tobacco flower.
MCSindagi: Bronzed frog.
MCSindagi: Wild berries.
MCSindagi: Common Evening Brown.
MCSindagi: Common Crow butterfly basking.
MCSindagi: Mist and mountain, in monochrome.
MCSindagi: Variable Decoy Spider & web.
MCSindagi: Shield Bug hatchlings & eggs.
MCSindagi: Terrestrial snail.
MCSindagi: Jewel Beetle.
MCSindagi: Malnad house
MCSindagi: A male red ant-mimic jumping spider, Myrmarachne plataleoides
MCSindagi: Lacewing eggs.
MCSindagi: Spotted eye drone fly.
MCSindagi: Dusk in the Western Ghats.
MCSindagi: The 'VIBGYOR' bug - Jewel beetle.
MCSindagi: Orb spider, Opadometa fastigata.