alfredoziano: Scarlett
alfredoziano: Maimiti
alfredoziano: Nathalie
carlesbaeza: The Sagrada Família.💒
Jonathan Fletcher Photography: Millie in the mood for a snooze lol <3
Jonathan Fletcher Photography: Millie in the mood for a snooze lol <3
ZeGaby: Yin & Yang
karlmccarthy1969: Kenfig Pool Nature Reserve
ZeGaby: Blue Hour #3
... czapkat ...: rétegek / layers
VitorJK: Porto & Avenida dos Aliados - n2137
magova: Leyendo
Geraint Rowland Photography: Somo las hijas de las campesinas que no pudiste esterilizar/ We are the daughters of the peasants that you could not sterilise
Dumby: A cross in the field
FahadHK: Lost at Sea
hellings89: I like my gear :)
Abgewrackter: - I'm Walking -
magova: Smile on Saturday "Happiness is...."
panoskaralis: The old chimney..hotel Olivepress Molyvos village Lesvos Greece
FahadHK: Slick
tiggerpics2010: Devil's Tower
tiggerpics2010: Big Train
tiggerpics2010: Badlands vista