fred_dame: Female Cardinal
Ed Rizer: GIANT SWALLOWTAIL - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Bok Tower Gardens Lake Wales Florida USA 4/17/24
Ed Rizer: AMERICAN LADY Butterfly - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Green Swamp WMA Polk County Florida USA 4/19/24
Ed Rizer: HUMMINGBIRD CLEARWING MOTH on Horrible Thistle - See those little thorns on the green leaves? You don't want to get pricked by those or you'll get a burning, itching sting. The Beauty Of God's Creation at Green Swamp WMA Polk County Florida USA 4/19/24
Ed Rizer: HUMMINGBIRD CLEARWING MOTH on Horrible Thistle. The Beauty Of God's Creation at Green Swamp WMA Polk County Florida USA 4/19/24
Ed Rizer: AMERICAN LADY Butterfly - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Backyard Butters Winter Haven Florida USA 4/22/24
Ed Rizer: AMERICAN LADY Butterfly - The Beauty Of God's Creation at Backyard Butters Winter Haven Florida USA 4/22/24
Ed Rizer: 1fhs2
patricia.hoedts: Cames llargues - Ciguenuela comun - Black-winged stilt - Échasse blanche - Himantopus himantopus
patricia.hoedts: Corriol anellat petit - Chorlitejo chico - Little ringed plover - Petit gravelot - Charadrius dubius
patricia.hoedts: Cirl bunting - Bruant zizi - Emberiza cirlus - Escribano soteno - Gratapalles
patricia.hoedts: Lady orchid - Orchis pourpre - Orchis purpurea - Orquidea purpura
patricia.hoedts: Yellow-bee orchid - Ophrys jaune - Ophrys lutea - Abejera amarilla - Abellera groga
patricia.hoedts: Fumarel carablanc - Fumarel cariblanco - Whiskered tern - Guifette moustac - Chlidonias hybrida
patricia.hoedts: Batallaire - Combatiente - Ruff - Combattant varié - Calidris pugnax
patricia.hoedts: Daina - Deer - Daim
patricia.hoedts: Capo reial - Morito comun - Glossy ibis - Ibis falcinelle - Plegadis falcinellus
patricia.hoedts: Cames llargues - Ciguenuela comun - Black-winged stilt - Échasse blanche - Himantopus himantopus
patricia.hoedts: Corriol camanegre - Chorlitejo patinegro - Kentish plover - Gravelot à collier interrompu - Charadrius alexandrinus
patricia.hoedts: Gamba roja pintada - Archibebe oscuro - Spotted redshank - Chevalier arlequin - Tringa erythropus
patricia.hoedts: Martinet ros comu - Garcilla cangrejera - Squacco heron - Crabier chevelu - Ardeola relloides
patricia.hoedts: Cames llargues - Ciguenuela comun - Black-winged stilt - Echasse blanche - Himantopus himantopus
patricia.hoedts: Valona - Andarrios bastardo - Wood sandpiper - Chevalier sylvain - Tringa glareola
patricia.hoedts: Becplaner comu - Espatula comun - Eurasian spoonbill - Spatule blanche - Platalea leucorodia
patricia.hoedts: Agro roig - Garza impérial - Purple heron - Héron pourpré - Ardea purpurea
patricia.hoedts: Martinet ros comu - Garcilla cangrejera - Squacco heron - Crabier chevelu - Ardeola ralloides
patricia.hoedts: Gamba roja pintada - Archibebe oscuro - Spotted redshank - Chevalier arlequin - Tringa erythropus
patricia.hoedts: Valona - Andarrios bastardo - Wood sandpiper - Chevalier sylvain - Tringa glareola
patricia.hoedts: Corriol anellat petit - Chorlitejo chico - Little ringed plover - Petit gravelot - Charadrius dubius
patricia.hoedts: Martinet ros comu - Garcilla cangrejera - Squacco heron - Crabier chevelu - Ardeola relloides