galoot fc: 2 elizabeth hunters
galoot fc: aunt jenny clark
galoot fc: clarks at inveronich
galoot fc: duncan clark
galoot fc: duncan clark game keeper
galoot fc: duncan clark
galoot fc: elizabeth (hunter) clark
galoot fc: hugh clark
galoot fc: hugh clark at work
galoot fc: hugh clark jnr
galoot fc: janet clark
galoot fc: janet(mcnicol)clark
galoot fc: john marshall in dunoon
galoot fc: dumbells team 1908
galoot fc: katie clark good attendance
galoot fc: hospital day wick 1913
galoot fc: peter marshall on lochgoil (right)
galoot fc: uncle peter marshall
galoot fc: aldershot 1908 Army Service Corps (territorial)Instruction Class
galoot fc: cheery scottish soldiers
galoot fc: ragtime fc from a.c. thomson second top row far right about 1913
galoot fc: unknown football team
galoot fc: unknown athletes
galoot fc: B.A.R.C 1911 Horncliffe
galoot fc: inveronich
galoot fc: aunt jenny at unknown place
galoot fc: unkown people unknown place
galoot fc: luna park coney island 1914
galoot fc: a glasgow school. possibly a mccaig girl top row to the right of bowtied boy
galoot fc: ac thomson far right, possibly kingussie