Godzilla1975: Costasiella sp.
Godzilla1975: Gunung Agung , View from Solaluna-Beach in Amed
Godzilla1975: Siboga Cuthona ? - Tenellia sibogae ?
Godzilla1975: at the end of the dive - Jemeluk Amed
Godzilla1975: Bothus mancus - Fasanbutt
Godzilla1975: juvenile painted Frogfish - Antennarius pictus - Rundflecken-Anglerfisch < 1 cm
Godzilla1975: Thecacera sp.
Godzilla1975: Costasiella kuroshimae
Godzilla1975: Doto greenamyeri
Godzilla1975: Doto in love...
Godzilla1975: Decorator Crab
Godzilla1975: Help ID !!?? Nudi
Godzilla1975: Facelinid sp.
Godzilla1975: Marble Dragonet - Synchiropus marmoratus - Marmor Leierfisch
Godzilla1975: Whip coral goby - Bryaninops yongei - Peitschenkorallengrundel
Godzilla1975: sunny side up...
Godzilla1975: Trapania tora Gosliner & Fahey < 1 cm
Godzilla1975: ornate ghost pipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus - Schmuckgeisterpfeifenfisch
Godzilla1975: Twins - Doppelpack
Godzilla1975: Tenellia sp.
Godzilla1975: Harlequin shrimp - Hymenocera picta - Harlekingarnele
Godzilla1975: Diminovula culmen - Ridged Egg Cowrie
Godzilla1975: in prison... - hinter schwedischen Gardinen
Godzilla1975: juvenile Clown frogfish - Antennarius maculatus - Warzen-Anglerfisch
Godzilla1975: juvenile hairy frogfish - Antennarius striatus - Gestreifter Anglerfisch
Godzilla1975: juvenile painted frogfish - Antennarius pictus - gemalter Anglerfisch Jungtier
Godzilla1975: Goniobranchus collingwoodi
Godzilla1975: Aegires villosus Farran
Godzilla1975: Aegires villosus Farran
Godzilla1975: Sea Star Shrimp