Godzilla1975: Hymenocera picta - Harlequin Shrimp
Godzilla1975: Oceanic whitetip shark - carcharhinus longimanus - Weißspitzen-Hochseehai
Godzilla1975: hippocampus pontohi
Godzilla1975: Thread Egg Cowrie - Serratovolva minabeensis
Godzilla1975: subtenant on a ceratosoma trilobatum
Godzilla1975: Broadclub cuttlefish - Sepia latimanus - Breitarm-Sepia
Godzilla1975: hippocampus bargibanti
Godzilla1975: nembratha cristata
Godzilla1975: Tambja sp. 1
Godzilla1975: Painted frogfish - Antennarius pictus
Godzilla1975: Risbecia tryoni
Godzilla1975: Hippocampus histrix - Spiny seahorse
Godzilla1975: Painted frogfish - Antennarius pictus
Godzilla1975: Painted frogfish - Antennarius pictus
Godzilla1975: Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus
Godzilla1975: Coconut Octopus - Amphioctopus marginatus
Godzilla1975: Stiliger sp. < 5 mm
Godzilla1975: Weißspitzen-Riffhai - Triaenodon obesus - Whitetip reef shark
Godzilla1975: Coryphellina (Flabellina) sp.
Godzilla1975: Phyllodesmium sp. ?
Godzilla1975: Costasiella sp.
Godzilla1975: Siboga Cuthona ? - Tenellia sibogae ?
Godzilla1975: at the end of the dive - Jemeluk Amed
Godzilla1975: Bothus mancus - Fasanbutt
Godzilla1975: juvenile painted Frogfish - Antennarius pictus - Rundflecken-Anglerfisch < 1 cm
Godzilla1975: Roboastra tentaculata
Godzilla1975: Thecacera sp.
Godzilla1975: Costasiella kuroshimae
Godzilla1975: Doto greenamyeri
Godzilla1975: Doto in love...