oxzs: lord of the selfie sticks, beijing, 111015
oxzs: tuva land, mongolia, 200915
oxzs: the revenant, mongolia, 20092015
oxzs: boaty mc boatface, olchon, 040915
oxzs: lenin, tiraspol, 060913
oxzs: flak, vienna, 290612
oxzs: nights watch, serbia, 230612
oxzs: the north remembers, sweden, 090212
oxzs: autopsy, uppsala, 070212
oxzs: dod, sweden, 160212
oxzs: periscope, saaremaa, 140910
oxzs: teufelsberg, berlin, 160510
oxzs: ocean, eiði, 112013
oxzs: football stadium, eiði, 112013
oxzs: football houses, faroe, 112013
oxzs: it's all about fish, eiði, 112013
oxzs: morning fog, semmering, 162014