Rusty Tractor: Sir Augustus got brushed. He is now both cranky and beautiful, like a true model.
Rusty Tractor: If Sir Augustus Fluffybritches did Tinder, this would be his photo…
Rusty Tractor: Bus interior with sleeping cats July 19, 2021
Rusty Tractor: I’m being watched and it’s not even 10 o’clock curfew yet.
Rusty Tractor: I had to fix this one.
Rusty Tractor: Minnie is the Queen of Cranky Looks
Rusty Tractor: Double stack Minnie
Rusty Tractor: Minnie Watching The Neighbors
Rusty Tractor: Minnie Likes My Old 17” MacBook
Rusty Tractor: Minnie told me her wicked glare makes the salt lamp glow...
Rusty Tractor: Chicks love my trains- Smokey Joe in repose…
Rusty Tractor: Zimi dreams of dinner.
Rusty Tractor: Sir Augustus Fluffybritches invites you to rub his tummy. Not.
Rusty Tractor: Jessie the workin dog is dog tired.
Rusty Tractor: December 24, 2020. No problem with social distancing in this crowd.
Rusty Tractor: Henry has such a sweet smile.
Rusty Tractor: When you forget to dump the water in the bucket then don’t notice the branch in the photo...
Rusty Tractor: Cranky cat in the morning sun.
Rusty Tractor: Something nice in the mail from Norman Davis of The Juke Joint
Rusty Tractor: Mr. Sniff finally stops moving so he will not be a blur.
Rusty Tractor: Mr. Sniff is always in a hurry to get his cold toes warmed...