bratby1988: Eurasian kestrel perched on a cliff top..
bratby1988: The Great Grey Owl
bratby1988: Laughing Kookaburra with its prey
bratby1988: Mandarin Duck
bratby1988: Common Whitethroat
bratby1988: Reed Warbler
bratby1988: Lannar falcon with its meal
bratby1988: Eurasian Eagle owl
bratby1988: Green Woodpecker
bratby1988: Juvenile blue tit
bratby1988: Eurasian Jay
bratby1988: Grey heron
bratby1988: barn owl enjoying his meal
bratby1988: Barn owl with his prey
bratby1988: Juvenile kestrel taking a rest...
bratby1988: Female mandarin duck. Overshadowed by its male counterpart with his unique colour palette. The female mandarin is a very underated beautiful duck...
bratby1988: Green woodpecker
bratby1988: Juvenile goldcrest
bratby1988: European Goldfinch
bratby1988: Blue tit taking a drink..
bratby1988: Mute swan portrait
bratby1988: Little owl
bratby1988: Little egrit
bratby1988: Magpie in flight
bratby1988: Light trails..
bratby1988: Jackdaw.. pointin me in the right direction 😀
bratby1988: Barn swallow and chicks
bratby1988: Barn swallow and chicks
bratby1988: Barn swallow and chicks
bratby1988: Green woodpecker feeding the young...