Volcanoes of Kamchatka - volcanoes in the east of Russia on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the territory of the Kamchatka Territory form part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
Wrangel Island (Chuk Umkilir - "island of polar bears") is a Russian island in the Arctic Ocean between the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
Manpoupuner, or Pillars of weathering (Mansi boobies) - a geological monument in the Troitsko-Pechora region of the Komi Republic of Russia. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
The most active volcano in Russia is Klyuchevskaya Sopka (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
Sikhote-Alin State Nature Biosphere Reserve named after K. G. Abramov is a biosphere reserve in Primorsky Krai. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
The Ubsunur Basin is the water basin of Lake Ubsu-Nur, the northernmost large closed water basin in Central Asia. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
Olkhon is the largest island of Lake Baikal. The length of the island is 73.5 km, width - up to 15 km, area - 730 km ². The permanent population is 1668 people. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
Kisha is a mountain river in Russia, flows through the territory of the Maikop district of the Republic of Adygea. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
The Western Caucasus is part of the Greater Caucasus mountain system, located west of the meridional line running through Mount Elbrus. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
Putorana Plateau is a heavily dissected mountain range located in the northwest of the Central Siberian plateau. (Nature of Russia. UNESCO World Heritage)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
Dawns, sunsets and night photography of landscapes of Gorny Altai (Russia, photographer Pavel Filatov)
The birth of light. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Ergaki Nature Park (From the description of the author: The amazing dawn that raged above the Artists' Pass, taken from the bank of the Nizhnaya Buiba River).
Belukha Mountain at sunset. View from the south-west (Гора Белуха на закате. Вид с юга-запада)