rfidhxjn58: 001 Rigg Bay
rfidhxjn58: 002 Scanty Mulberry Harbour remains
rfidhxjn58: 003 Maybe part of the D-Day prep as well
rfidhxjn58: 004 Euan the beetle-whisperer
rfidhxjn58: 005 More man-made wall-building
rfidhxjn58: 006 Mollusc - maybe piddock - holes in rock
rfidhxjn58: 007 Rock doves cormorants and gulls
rfidhxjn58: 008 Cruggleton Castle ahead
rfidhxjn58: 009 Cairnharrow and Wigtown Bay with E and son
rfidhxjn58: 010 South to Portyerrock Bay and Cairn Head
rfidhxjn58: 011 Long ago fallen rock
rfidhxjn58: 012 Fulmar pair
rfidhxjn58: 013 B at Cruggleton castle
rfidhxjn58: 014 GN diver
rfidhxjn58: 015 Probably short-beaked common dolphin
rfidhxjn58: 016 Dolphin or porpoise
rfidhxjn58: 017 Whitethroat
rfidhxjn58: 018 Whitethroat and imminent meal