rfidhxjn58: 001 My yesterday E Assynt to today W - at Sron - Assynt geopod
rfidhxjn58: 002 Pebble routes launched in 2015 I think
rfidhxjn58: 003 Assynt Crofters Trust - new blood
rfidhxjn58: 004 Sron view this morning
rfidhxjn58: 005 Harsh
rfidhxjn58: 006 Nesting fulmar
rfidhxjn58: 007 Shag rock
rfidhxjn58: 008 Lighthouse with people for scale
rfidhxjn58: 009 Auk rafts today - no cetaceans
rfidhxjn58: 010 Young people off to assault Old Man
rfidhxjn58: 011 Top left not a bird - thats all
rfidhxjn58: 012 Cirean Geardail - Guarding crest maybe
rfidhxjn58: 013 Old Man appears
rfidhxjn58: 014 Old Mans view of the sea
rfidhxjn58: 015 Doesnt know young people approach
rfidhxjn58: 016 Am Balg of the blowhole and underwater cave on horizon
rfidhxjn58: 017 Am Balg - is it a rocky doughnut
rfidhxjn58: 018 Splashy guillemots
rfidhxjn58: 019 Another stack pic
rfidhxjn58: 020 Fulmar cormorant and shags
rfidhxjn58: 021 Looking back down to viewpoint
rfidhxjn58: 022 Ravens here - missing in Shetland
rfidhxjn58: 023 People for scale
rfidhxjn58: 024 Raven
rfidhxjn58: 025 Reay Forest hills - F A Ben Stack
rfidhxjn58: 026 What a great headland
rfidhxjn58: 027 Nesting on nearby rock
rfidhxjn58: 028 Nesting shags
rfidhxjn58: 029 Nesting shags
rfidhxjn58: 030 Razorbills