rfidhxjn58: 0001 Euan setting off
rfidhxjn58: 001 Over the Shalloch moor to distant Carlins Cairn
rfidhxjn58: 002 More marsh marigolds
rfidhxjn58: 002a Lochs Riecawr and Girvan Eye
rfidhxjn58: 003 Loch Enoch - Craignaw c above - Dungeon Hill l - Criffel distant
rfidhxjn58: 004 Merrick and Kirriereoch above Loch Enoch
rfidhxjn58: 005 One of many windfarms and Ailsa Craig
rfidhxjn58: 007 Euans summit pose
rfidhxjn58: 008 Tunskeens got a roof
rfidhxjn58: 009 Macaterick and Tunskeen below Rhinns of Kells
rfidhxjn58: 010 To Tarfessock - Kirrereoch and Merrick
rfidhxjn58: 011 Rainclouds heading for Merrick
rfidhxjn58: 012 Blue sky over Lochs Doon and Macaterick
rfidhxjn58: 013 Loch Enoch and Hoodens Hill to Rhinns of Kells
rfidhxjn58: 014 Raincloud skating above the Merrick
rfidhxjn58: 015 Euan above our 1992 walk up
rfidhxjn58: 016 S on M north to Loch Riecawr and rocking stone
rfidhxjn58: 017 Gentle descent to Stinchar Bridge
rfidhxjn58: 018 Lochs and no trees of Carrick Forest
rfidhxjn58: 019 Rocking stone Li