♡ evelina.l: She'll always have Paris
♡ evelina.l: In the right light...At the right time,Everything is extraordinary!!
♡ evelina.l: And where she stood. she stood tall!!!
♡ evelina.l: A part of her is always waiting for him...........
♡ evelina.l: Dream a little dream of me....
♡ evelina.l: It was one of those March days, when the sun shines hot n' the wind blows cold where its summer in the light and winter in the shade!!
♡ evelina.l: She was never alone.......She always had her treasure with her!!
♡ evelina.l: She was the kind of woman who needs alone time!!!!
♡ evelina.l: Smell the sea and feel the sky............Let your soul and spirits fly!!!
♡ evelina.l: She hoped the city lights to guide her home!!!
♡ evelina.l: Being alone was good..................but being lonely is the worst!!
♡ evelina.l: Autumn is more season of the soul than of nature...........
♡ evelina.l: she was strong and broken all at once...........