ruthcopeman: IMGP8663
ruthcopeman: IMGP9882
ruthcopeman: 38755741341_fd28d1bc62_o (2)
ruthcopeman: IMGP9913
ruthcopeman: IMGP0331
ruthcopeman: IMGP1145a
ruthcopeman: IMGP1145b
ruthcopeman: IMGP1146a
ruthcopeman: IMGP1147
ruthcopeman: IMGP2020a
ruthcopeman: IMGP2020b
ruthcopeman: IMGP2020c
ruthcopeman: IMGP2020
ruthcopeman: IMG_5091
ruthcopeman: IMG_5093
ruthcopeman: IMG_5105
ruthcopeman: Marigold Bud
ruthcopeman: Seeds In and Out of Focus
ruthcopeman: Catydid
ruthcopeman: Green Eye
ruthcopeman: Green Lynx in Red
ruthcopeman: Iris Inverse
ruthcopeman: Katydid 2
ruthcopeman: Love Bug in Red
ruthcopeman: IMG_9578
ruthcopeman: IMGP0069
ruthcopeman: IMG_5947
ruthcopeman: IMG_5997
ruthcopeman: IMG_6001
ruthcopeman: IMG_6021