Pelorus Jack: 1. Sunset over Barangaroo
Pelorus Jack: 2. Millers Point roofs w
Pelorus Jack: 3. Casino cranes w
Pelorus Jack: 4. Old & New wjpeg
Pelorus Jack: 5. Metro Station works w
Pelorus Jack: 6. Casino construction w
Pelorus Jack: 180726 Barangaroo Ferry Wharf
Pelorus Jack: 8. Sofitel sky w
Pelorus Jack: 9. Tree House w
Pelorus Jack: 10. Tree House 2 w
Pelorus Jack: 11. Distant view w
Pelorus Jack: 12. The Casino cometh w
Pelorus Jack: Prepare for take off!
Pelorus Jack: 14. The entrance w
Pelorus Jack: 15. The Hungry Mile from the bridge w
Pelorus Jack: 16. On approach w
Pelorus Jack: 17. Office towers w
Pelorus Jack: 18. Office towers 2 w
Pelorus Jack: 19. Brick & Stone w
Pelorus Jack: 20. A touch of green w
Pelorus Jack: 21 Contrasting city canyon w
Pelorus Jack: 22. Verigo inducing w
Pelorus Jack: 1. Jones Bay Wharf w
Pelorus Jack: 2. Office tower w
Pelorus Jack: 3. White Bay w
Pelorus Jack: 4. Cranes w
Pelorus Jack: 5. Skyline w
Pelorus Jack: 6. Sunset w
Pelorus Jack: 7. Sunset over Balmain East w
Pelorus Jack: 8. Mares Tails w