petershaw4: The Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly.
Oric1: Rainette verte (Hyla arborea)
Aussie Jono: Texas Butterfly
Oric1: Eristale brouillé
marco.federmann: Eisvogel - kingfisher
marco.federmann: Eisvogel - kingfisher
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_096951
Oric1: Ragondin (Myocastor coypus)
Andrea Moscato: Lysefjord (Norway)
Helgi G Sigurdsson: hgs_n8_097117
PPP thnx for 31 million views: From the Vaults-59
PPP thnx for 31 million views: From the Vaults-60
Andrea Moscato: Lindesnes Lighthouse (Norway)
Stephane Seco V: El Urro del Manzano, Liencres, Cantabria coast, Spain
Ozzy Delaney: Covid 19
Oric1: Grenouille verte
Oric1: Anax empereur
In Memoriam: Muckmagnet (No Banners Please): Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) (Captive)
antoinebouyer: Papillon
antoinebouyer: Demoiselle
PPP thnx for 31 million views: From the Vaults-55
Paul Dermot Gallagher.: From the shadows. Grey Heron. 8/06/2020
FotographyKS!: Don't shoot what it looks like...Shoot what it feels like!
PPP thnx for 31 million views: From the Vaults-56