Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Crimson-rumped Toucan
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Chestnut-crowned Antpitta
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Toucan Barbet. Mindo, Ecuador
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Toucan Barbet
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Purple-throated Woodstar
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Violet-tailed Sylph
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Andean Emerald
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
White-necked Jacoban
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Fawned Brilliant
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Andean Emerald
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Green Thorntail
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Red-headed Barbet (male)
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Red-headed Barbet (Female)
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Orange-bellied Tanager
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Ochre-breasted Antipitta
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
scaled Fruiteater
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
scaled Fruiteater
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Plate-billed Mountain Toucan
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Dusky Chlorospingus
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Toucan Barbet
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Black-capped Tanager
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Ecuadorian Thrush
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Golden Napped Tanager
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Golden Napped Tanager
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Plate-billed Mt Toucan
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Buff-tailed Coronet
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Buff-tailed Coronet
Philip Mitchell for the birds:
Velvet-purple Coronet