SC-Wang(TY): 年貨大街(迪化街)-張燈結綵!
SC-Wang(TY): 原來東京那麼遠!走路幾天能到?
SC-Wang(TY): 新竹-東門市場(外側)慢慢走
SC-Wang(TY): 新竹_東門市場(燒肉霸!)
SC-Wang(TY): 賣春聯-(台北-南門市場)
SC-Wang(TY): 過年前 補貨中!(台北-南門市場)
SC-Wang(TY): 新竹-好吃的紅豆餅(美味しい饅頭)
SC-Wang(TY): 士林-味擂家(みらい家)-招牌料理
SC-Wang(TY): 菓子小賣所(甜點)-台北京站
SC-Wang(TY): 一番鮮榨!(台北京站內)
SC-Wang(TY): 台鐵-香山車站-燈
SC-Wang(TY): 台鐵-香山車站(TR-香山駅前)
SC-Wang(TY): 1228鏡餅!Kagami Mochi (Japanese: Kagami Mochi/かがみもちKagami Mochi) is a rice cake used to worship the gods during the New Year in Japan. It is a rice cake (mochi). Generally speaking, Kagami Mochi is a disc-shaped cake with two sizes. formed by overlapping. K
SC-Wang(TY): 線條之美-中山北路
SC-Wang(TY): 線條之美-(蘭州街-巷弄)~線の美しさ-(台北-蘭州街路地)
SC-Wang(TY): 台北-華山1914 走道!
SC-Wang(TY): 市場美食-米粉湯
SC-Wang(TY): 冬至-買湯圓
SC-Wang(TY): 喝酒88888
SC-Wang(TY): 夜霧よ今夜も有難う !~~in 華山1914...Do you know, Yogiri, that envelops the love that creeps in? Please keep our relationship hidden until the day we meet again. Yogiri, Yogiri. We always say softly, Yogiri, thank you for tonight as well.
SC-Wang(TY): ( "Fake" Kyoto_靜心苑)-蚊香盒
SC-Wang(TY): ( "Fake" Kyoto_靜心苑)-特寫
SC-Wang(TY): 金沢-_神社
SC-Wang(TY): 金沢-モミジ2
SC-Wang(TY): 金沢-モミジ
SC-Wang(TY): ( "Fake" Kyoto_靜心苑)-緣侧
SC-Wang(TY): ( "Fake" Kyoto_靜心苑)-盆栽
SC-Wang(TY): 柑仔店(街頭圖案)-行人
SC-Wang(TY): 三輪車(側影)!Tricycle!The dean’s car! The most eye-catching thing about Matsuyama Sanatorium is probably its tricycle. In front of the door, there is a tricycle parked. This is an ancient taxi. The tricycle is the collection of the owner of Jingxinyuan.
SC-Wang(TY): ( "Fake" Kyoto_靜心苑)-窗影