harmoniclight: Where's Alice?
harmoniclight: Orange Reflections
harmoniclight: lemons & oranges in blue bowl
harmoniclight: Pomegranate in Bowl
harmoniclight: Lemon alone
harmoniclight: Lemon out of the Bowl
harmoniclight: Pomegranate Shine
harmoniclight: Same subject, different take
harmoniclight: Fruit & ribbon
harmoniclight: Orange Composition
harmoniclight: Scrolling
harmoniclight: Glass Beads Cropped
harmoniclight: Glass Beads f2.8
harmoniclight: Glass Bead Game
harmoniclight: Three closeup
harmoniclight: Macro test
harmoniclight: Blue Colander
harmoniclight: Carrot Peels in Blue Bowl
harmoniclight: Reflections of the Day
harmoniclight: Christmas morning
harmoniclight: Side Order of Lemon
harmoniclight: In The Shadows - Detail
harmoniclight: Orange & Ribbon
harmoniclight: Flea Market Treasures
harmoniclight: 1460's Gone Missing
harmoniclight: Snuff Bottle
harmoniclight: ISO3200 Test
harmoniclight: Ribbon Detail