aarongekoskistills: Orang-utan on floor, Pata Zoo, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Monkey performing on bike, Phuket, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Baby elephant and mother with chains, Phuket Zoo, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Orangutan boxer, Bangkok, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Tiger chained up for selfies, Phuket, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Elephant look out to crowd, Elefantenhof-Platschow. Germany
aarongekoskistills: Orangutan hiding behind rocks in small enclosure_Dam Sen
aarongekoskistills: Lions in a line v2, Cirkus Humberto, Czech Republic
aarongekoskistills: Monkey drinking out of plastic cup, Phuket, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Dolphin in pool alone_WSI Bogor
aarongekoskistills: Elephant performing tricks in tiny room, Phuket, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Orang-utan posing for photo, Safari World, Bangkok, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Elephant photograph with family, Cirkus Humberto, Czech Repulblic
aarongekoskistills: Unreleasable orangutan, BOS Foundation
aarongekoskistills: Camel being grabbed by owner outside Monastery_Petra
aarongekoskistills: Elephant foot in chains, Bangkok, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Chimpanzee, Pata Zoo, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Walrus going blind, Safari World, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Macaque made up behind curtain_Dam Sen
aarongekoskistills: Dolphin swimming alone_Ocean Dream
aarongekoskistills: Orang-utans dressed up for performance, Bangkok, Thailand
aarongekoskistills: Sun bear trio_Bandung
aarongekoskistills: Snake with mouth taped, Bali
aarongekoskistills: Orangutan in doorway standing up_Ragunan
aarongekoskistills: Lions with tamer close up, Cirkus Humberto, Czech Republic
aarongekoskistills: Orangutan rescued from Wildlife Tourism, Nyaru Mentang, Borneo
aarongekoskistills: Elephant in filthy holding pen, Phuket Zoo, Thailand