stripy sock studio: The yoga space - setting up the mats on Friday
stripy sock studio: the yoga space
stripy sock studio: the yoga space
stripy sock studio: the view from the yoga space
stripy sock studio: zing crew getting read for yoga
stripy sock studio: getting ready for yoga
stripy sock studio: nat and students
stripy sock studio: the beautiful floor rug near my mat
stripy sock studio: we ate on the floor, indoor picnic styles
stripy sock studio: getting ready for kai
stripy sock studio: again attempting to capture the view
stripy sock studio: loved all the textiles
stripy sock studio: Hare Krishna!
stripy sock studio: Joda and Daniel
stripy sock studio: Joda and Daniel
stripy sock studio: April, Christine, Inez, Anne, Ma.
stripy sock studio: Kate, Wendy, Nat
stripy sock studio: One of our many delicious meals
stripy sock studio: Nat, Wendy, Christine, Inez, Anne.
stripy sock studio: Nat performing her once-hourly tea ceremony...
stripy sock studio: Joda, Daniel, Janet
stripy sock studio: Christine, Inez, Anne, Ma
stripy sock studio: Cheesey grins!
stripy sock studio: Beautiful painting in our sleeping room...
stripy sock studio: Swami's house...
stripy sock studio: Janet and Ma