WallgateSilverback: Bluebird Northern Leopard NPE90
WallgateSilverback: East Yorkshire 188, 537 and 526
WallgateSilverback: East Yorkshire Mk2 National 188
WallgateSilverback: East Yorkshire VR 526
WallgateSilverback: Eastern Counties RE RL516
WallgateSilverback: National Express Tiger 1309
WallgateSilverback: North Western 796 and Merseybus 1301
WallgateSilverback: North Western 1051 and WYPTE 8534
WallgateSilverback: North Western Scania 1051 (1)
WallgateSilverback: Trent Willowbrook Atlantean 571
WallgateSilverback: Yorkshire Woollen 622 (1)
WallgateSilverback: Ex Stagecoach Alexander Y Type Leyland Leopard 25787 (YSF 87S)
WallgateSilverback: Halifax Joint Commitee MCW Metrobus 161 (JHE 161W)
WallgateSilverback: South Yorkshire Transport Alexander bodied Atlantean 1696 (CWG 696V)
WallgateSilverback: South Yorkshire Transport Leyland National Mk 2 22 (NWA 22W), South Yorkshire Transport Leyland National M2 1075 (FWA 475Y) and Halton Transport Leyland National Mk 2 33 (C49 OCM)
WallgateSilverback: South Yorkshire Transport Mk 2 Leyland National 1075 (FWA 475Y)
WallgateSilverback: South Yorkshire Transport Optare Dennis Domino 53 (C53 HDT)
WallgateSilverback: Saffle bodied Volvo B10L (L456 JCK and GM Leyland Titan (GNF 15V)
WallgateSilverback: GM AN68 Leyland Atlantean 8763 (A763 NNA)
WallgateSilverback: GM AN68 Leyland Atlantean 8763 (A763 NNA)
WallgateSilverback: GM AN68 Leyland Atlantean 8763 (A763 NNA)
WallgateSilverback: GM AN68 Leyland Atlantean 8763 (A763 NNA)
WallgateSilverback: Liverpool Corporation L835 (FKF 835E)
WallgateSilverback: MPTE 1236 (BKC 236K)
WallgateSilverback: Ribble 831 (DBV 831W)
WallgateSilverback: Ribble 831 (DBV 831W)
WallgateSilverback: St Helens Corproration 248 (EDJ 248J)
WallgateSilverback: Crosville DFG 38 (319 PFM)
WallgateSilverback: MPTE 1236 (BKC 236K)
WallgateSilverback: Crosville DFG38 (319 PFM)