paulbentzen: Bar Jacks at Jibacoa_1270306
paulbentzen: Blue Tangs & Trumpetfish #1_1270322
paulbentzen: Male & female guppies
paulbentzen: French angel face
paulbentzen: Male Rainbow Smelt during spawning season
paulbentzen: Lionfish
paulbentzen: Blue and yellow sponge_5200196
paulbentzen: Christmas tree worms, yellow and purple corals_5200194
paulbentzen: Social fanworms and algae_5200176
paulbentzen: Star corals, sponges and juvenile fishes_5200164
paulbentzen: Split Brain (coral)
paulbentzen: Juvenile French Grunts_5180109
paulbentzen: Loggerhead turtle & soft corals_5180077
paulbentzen: Loggerhead turtle_5180076
paulbentzen: Atlantic Stingray
paulbentzen: Stingray takeoff
paulbentzen: Mystery fish
paulbentzen: Tarpon
paulbentzen: A tang, a surgeonfish & a parrotfish_1270343
paulbentzen: Caribbean Reef Shark #1
paulbentzen: Carribean Reef Shark #2
paulbentzen: Blue Chromis over fire coral
paulbentzen: Yellowtail Parrotfish