Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Natural Habitat- colony on citrus tree
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Natural Habitat
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Natural habitat
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Natural Habitat
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Natural Habitat- shady area
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Back of the leaves- spotted and glossy
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Cross-cut of the leave- channeled
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Various age pups( off-shoots) growth
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Base of the leaves and roots
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Developing inflorescence( flower spike)
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Developed flower spike
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Flowers on flowers spike
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Old flower and flower bud
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Flower bracts develop variety of colors
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Flower with protruding stamens
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
After blooming flower bracts start changing color
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Seed pods are tubular shaped
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Seed pods start opening
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
After seed dispersal dry inflorescence
Caves Branch Botanical Garden:
Tillandsia festucoides