Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Tillandsia balbisiana
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Natural habitat in citrus fields
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Natural habitat citrus field colony
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Colonies of mature and young plants
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Natural habitat, plant in fruiting stage
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Natural habitat- growing on wires
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Growing on posts and cables
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Tillandsia balbisiana, Catopsis and Tillandsia bulbosa
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Pale color is characteristical for those bromeliads
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Root system and the base
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Arrangment of the leaves at the base
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Inside part of the base of the leave
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Close-up - base of the leave inside
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Pre-blooming infloresence
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Inflorescence in bloom in sunny location
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Inflorescence in bloom in shady location
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Close-up to green seed pods
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Seed pods dry before seed release
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Open capsules of the seedpods
Caves Branch Botanical Garden: Seedlings developing on the inflorescence