26.3andBeyond: Cat Paw
26.3andBeyond: Duke of Diamond Lake Gardens - Roger
26.3andBeyond: 2 Cats 1 Squirrel
26.3andBeyond: Juxtaposing Stillness
26.3andBeyond: Holding up the Maple
26.3andBeyond: Posed Cat - Natural Model
26.3andBeyond: Norwegian Forest Cat Modeling Stoicism
26.3andBeyond: Stretching Like Armstrong
26.3andBeyond: Laid Back Jack
26.3andBeyond: Security Asleep
26.3andBeyond: Robinson St. Cat Perched
26.3andBeyond: Siblings
26.3andBeyond: Awake & Alert - Alley Patrol
26.3andBeyond: Kittens & Frog
26.3andBeyond: Waitin' on a Package
26.3andBeyond: Contemplative Cat
26.3andBeyond: Highlandtown Love
26.3andBeyond: Abelard & Heloise
26.3andBeyond: Cool Spot
26.3andBeyond: Serious
26.3andBeyond: Baseboard Inspector
26.3andBeyond: Angelicat
26.3andBeyond: We Put our Heads Together & Figured it out.
26.3andBeyond: You Lookin' At Me?
26.3andBeyond: Grapevine Guardian
26.3andBeyond: Lit Cat
26.3andBeyond: Roger & Black-Eyed Susans - sun soaked
26.3andBeyond: Winsome Jack
26.3andBeyond: Peering through a Porthole