ZSOOLT3: M31 Andromeda galaxy
ZSOOLT3: M49 and surrounding galaxies
ZSOOLT3: Comet C/2015 V2 Johnson
ZSOOLT3: M12 Globular Cluster
ZSOOLT3: NGC281 Pacman Nebula
ZSOOLT3: M45 Pleiades
ZSOOLT3: M17 Omega nebula
ZSOOLT3: M16 Eagle nebula
ZSOOLT3: 21P Giacobinni-Zinner comet
ZSOOLT3: M22 Sagittarius globular cluster
ZSOOLT3: M2 globular cluster
ZSOOLT3: NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet
ZSOOLT3: NGC 7331 and Stephan's Quintet
ZSOOLT3: NGC 891 and Abell 345
ZSOOLT3: NGC 891 and Abell 345
ZSOOLT3: 48P / Wirtanen comet
ZSOOLT3: Markarian chain
ZSOOLT3: Markarian chain
ZSOOLT3: NGC2244 Rosetta nebula UHC
ZSOOLT3: NGC2244 Rosetta nebula UHC+RGB composite