fayyang1: The lonely man where ever:On both photos is the same guy. I didn't find it until I sorted out my photos. I took photo for a guy as I went by a room and later another photo as I went by the room from the back side by chance. He interpreted lonely feeling s
fayyang1: The lonely man where ever:On both photos is the same guy. I didn't find it until I sorted out my photos. I took photo for a guy as I went by a room and later another photo as I went by the room from the back side by chance. He interpreted lonely feeling s
fayyang1: He saw my camera and turned to leave 他看到相机转身就走
fayyang1: minimalism 极简
fayyang1: part of 2,755 slices baloney in Whitney Museum 惠特妮美术馆挂在八面墙上的2,755片红肉肠的部分