rebecca bowater nature photographer: This year the Boulder Bank is covered in driftwood
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Pied Stilts antics on the wastewater ponds in Nelson
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Juvenile Spotted Shag that I met walking down the road
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Immature Little Pied Shag drying its wings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Immature Little Pied Shag drying its wings
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Immature Little Pied Shag on a rock by the sea
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Immature Little Pied Shag
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Immature Little Pied Shag
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Bar-tailed Godwits in their breeding colours getting ready to fly to Alaska in March to breed
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Bar-tailed Godwits in their breeding colours getting ready to fly to Alaska in March to breed
rebecca bowater nature photographer: White-faced Heron preening. [I love its hair style]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: The tail feathers of an immature Red-billed Gull
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Patterns of an immature White-fronted Tern
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Banded Dotterels flying near the Boulder Bank