rebecca bowater nature photographer: The road up to Mt Cheeseman skifield in the summer
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Road up to Mt Cheeseman Ski field in the summer
rebecca bowater nature photographer: View looking over to the Torlesse Range from Mt Cheeseman
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Aciphylla Scott-thomsonii Spaniards
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Rygmodus sp. feeding on Aciphylla
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Rygmodus sp. feeding on Aciphylla
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Marsh Fly Genus Helophilus
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Marsh Fly Genus Helophilus
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Alpine Grasshoppers mating 'Sigaus nivalis'
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Celmisia angustifolia NZ Daisy
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Celmisia angustifolia NZ Daisy
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Harebells Wahlenbergia albomarginata
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Leucogenes grandiceps Edelweiss
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Edelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Edelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Edelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Here I am looking for alpine plants on this scree
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. discoideus
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Senecio glaucophyllus subsp. discoideus in bud
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Stellaria roughii growing on scree
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Stellaria roughii growing on scree
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Road up to Mt Dobson [1600mts] ski field carpark