rebecca bowater nature photographer:
20th August A Grumpy Thrush
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
21st August NZ Pigeon 'Kereru' that is on a Kowhai tree eating the leaves.
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
22nd August Tui on a wet, overcast day in my garden over lockdown
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
23rd August Silvereye, Wax-eye, or White-eye in our garden
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
24th August NZ Pigeon 'Kereru' blending in with the Puriri tree [Vitex lucens] where it was eating the pink flowers.
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
House Sparrow [female]
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
House Sparrow [Male]
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
27th August Juvenile Black-backed Gull taken through the window on a very wet and windy day.
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
28th August Tui getting nectar from a Camelia flower
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
29th August Tui singing in my Garden. Note the pollen on its head from the Kowhai flowers.
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
Male Blackbird that was looking for worms under the leaves
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
31st August Silvereye or Wax-eye
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
!st September The first day of Spring. Daffodils from my Garden
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
2nd September Freesia in my garden
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
3rd September Moraea in my Garden
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
4th September Akebia quinata Chocolate vine
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
5th September Cymbidium orchid in my garden
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
6th September Flame Vine Pyrostegia venusta
rebecca bowater nature photographer:
7th September Cymbidium Orchid