rebecca bowater nature photographer: Grand California 'Vent' Tour
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Western Gulls [adults and juveniles]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: American White Pelicans
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Western Grebe in Bodega Bay
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Doran Beach State Park Bodega Bay
rebecca bowater nature photographer: The best crab sandwiches I have ever tasted were from here.
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Burrowing Owls outside their burrow just below the road
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cattails and Rushes in the wetlands, Yolo Basin Wildlife area
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Stilt, Ibis and Dowitchers in wetlands near Sacramento
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Long-billed Dowitchers and two Greater Yellowlegs