rebecca bowater nature photographer: Alpine Garden on scree. Moss, Kelleria, Celmisia & Haastia species
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Anaphalioides bellidioides Everlasting Daisy
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Anaphalioides bellidioides Everlasting Daisy
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Everlasting Daisy Anaphalioides bellidioides
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Astelia graminea growing on the mineral belt
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis bellidiodes in bud
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis bellidioides
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis bellidioides
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis bellidiodes
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis bellidioides
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis greyi Mt Arthur Track
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis greyi Mt Arthur Track
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis lagopus Mt Richmond Forest Park
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis revoluta Homer Tunnel
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis revoluta Homer Tunnel
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyglottis rotundifolia var. rotundifolia Mt Arthur
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Brachyscome sinclairii Small Grassland Daisy
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Caltha obtusa growing by the stream
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Caltha obtusa by the stream
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cardamine dimidia [native cress]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cardamine dimidia growing between the stones
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cardamine dimidia Bitter Cress
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cardamine dimidia showing flowers and seed capsules
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cardamine corymbosa Cress
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cardamine corymbosa on Mt Dobson
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cardamine corymbifera [cress]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Cress, Cardamine species