rebecca bowater nature photographer: Platypus in the river in Yungaburra
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Platypus in river in Yungaburra
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Crater Lakes Rainforest Cottage
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Satin Bowerbird [female]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Female Satin Bowerbird
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Satin Bowerbird [female]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Satin Bowerbird [female] with its stunning blue eye
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Macleay's Honeyeater Endemic to this Region
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Lake Eacham 3kms around
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Lake Eacham is a 50ha volcanic lake
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Saw-shelled turtle that lives in Lake Eacham and it breaths through it's bottom !
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Little Shrike Thrush in the forest