rebecca bowater nature photographer: Lake Eacham [Inland from Cairns]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Victoria's Riflebird [female]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Male Victoria Riflebird displaying to a female
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Victoria's Riflebird female
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Victorias Riflebird [female]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Victoria's Riflebird [male]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Victoria's Riflebird male
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Hanley feeding a male Victoria's Riflebird with worms
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Fungi on edge of Lake Eacham 'Balanophora fungosa'
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Red-legged Pademelon [small rainforest kangaroo]
rebecca bowater nature photographer: Red-legged Pademelon in rainforest at Lake Eacham
rebecca bowater nature photographer: King Parrots at feeder Lake Eacham